Need a voice actor? Send me to PM or email eddache AT gmail.com. Be sure to check out my voice demo in the audio portal!

Eddie Bowley @Eddache

Age 42, Male


Joined on 9/23/07

Exp Points:
329 / 400
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> 100,000
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Posted by Eddache - October 28th, 2009

1) There's a new Edd Egg cartoon released. It's a Halloween Spook-tacular! Check it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

I'm very pleased with the results and I'd say it's my best to date, but that's for you jolly reviewers and raters to decide. And it features Stalagmite's fantastic rendition of The End Credits song which you can also see here: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /276147

2) Edd Egg Animations are now available through YouTube. Subscribe to my channel beyotches: http://www.youtube.com/user/eddache

3) I've booked our table for the UK Webcomix Thing next year. I'm also doing a panel during the day. If you're in the London area in March next year, why not drop by and say hi!

4) I should be working on a new Voice Demo soon (as well as the Edd Egg Christmas episode and some other projects). If you need a voice over for anything, just send me a message!

5) I hear there's an Autumn NG London meet-up. I've had a blast at the previous ones I've gone to, so I'm looking forward to this one!

6) Just some quickies: Forums, Twitter, Happy Birthday To Me, Results of Voice Acting Compo coming soon, as is the Marvel Collab and I've got tickets to see Stephen Lynch front row center,

Oh, and PO3: coming soonish. Lol.


You have somehow managed to make jokes about shit funny again

I put the "humour" into "toilet humour".

I like to give nice ideas and audio for flash animations, wanna collab?

I just realised, I fucking love your voice, it turns me on...


YOU are brilliant!

the words "jesus has a unicorn" comes to mind.. for no reason at all... i really dont know why! i was originally going to say sexual spanish but i thought that was just weird. jesus has a unicorn is where it is at. hes down and with it yo. :D and i OWN the british law system. i sell the judges there wigs you see, so i have some "pull" so to speak! :D LOL! none the less i am a peasant. DO NOT SUE me or i will have you areested for dealing red bull to 5 year olds :D

Hell yeah results coming out in two days! *sorry its been taking longer than i thought hehe*

You're doing a panel? Blimey!

Expecting a big turnout?

Hard to say. Depends if more animators join the panel too. If it's just me then that'll be interesting but should be a laugh.

that was really good
the halloween flash
ehm.how long you need for making a cool flash like that ?

The script, along with preliminary artwork (backgrounds, character designs and other elements/animations I knew would definately be appearing) took about 2 and half weeks. The voice acting and audio editing was done in a weekend, although securing permission for the songs took a couple of extra days. Then actual animating took about 2/3 weeks solid animating. I'd get up early before work, I'd stay up late, constantly working hard to get it completed on time.

All in all, I'd say roughly just over a month from start to finish.

ng sucks do u agree cause of the lag some of the flashes dont work terrible pico flashes

newgounds is great. man i love newgrounds. i love it so much i would rather suck NGs cock than have it suck mine. NG is so great.

but newgroundssuckscock1, gives crap head.
^ ^

You silly Brits and your comic conventions.

hey edd this might briten up a sad day the UK is awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Panel on your own thats quite a concept. I would have a edd egg impression game. Get everyone to do an impression of eddegg and the winner we point and laugh at. Not much of a prize but what do you want cash.

he why?
why you dont have your own newgrounds collection like eddsworld ??

I'd love my own collection but I guess that's up to the gods of NG to decide. Besides, I think I only have a handful of "any good" episodes.