As previously mentioned, the next Edd Egg Animation will be a Christmas special. It's also quite a long episode, hence why there isn't one for November. I may even have to split in two parts, such as part one for just before Christmas and part two around New Year. I'll see how I get on.
I've even put my daily blog, Bollox Comics, on hold until this is done. I may not start updating it again until New Year. I haven't fully decided so we'll wait and see.
So, until the new Edd Egg Animation is completed (or at least Part One is completed), enjoy this animation I made called The Adventures Of Simon. It's not on Newgrounds because being a very very short animation, I wasn't sure how those sorts of animations faired on NG. I would hate to get "blammed" for it. Also it's slightly NSFW but only because of the language, no naughty images or anything like that. Click here to see it.
cool.i love Edd egg. hope it turns out well!