Hey gang. How are you? Good good. Hey, I've made a new voice acting demo - in video format (audio version with more/different clips coming soon). It features voice work I've done for other people (so no Edd Egg stuff here).
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Oh, and I have a new website call EddieBowley.com that features my voice over work, animations and so on.
So what else is going on? Edd Egg - Mistletoe & Mine got daily second and front page which is cool! I also made a making of video during the production.
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There's plenty going on on my YouTube channel at the moment. I've also been made a YouTube partner which is pretty sweet. So you ought to subscribe as there'll be more vids on the way. And also new cartoons on the way very very soon. I just need to, you know, start on something.
What was the last thing you started but never got round to finishing?
A roundabout. HA. HA. HA.